Year in Review!

This past year has been filled with excitement as we recognize and celebrate the many accomplishments of our lab!

  • Brian completed his term as Senior Associate Dean for Math and Science and began his tenure as Director of the Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology (WICMB)
  • Group Safety Representative, Jess, and the lab earned the Fall 2024 Biannual Laboratory Safety Award!
  • the addition of a new graduate student; welcome Michael!
  • Alise, Dhruva, Gideon, Herbert, Maithili, Mike, Tim, and Yajie virtually attended Bacterial Locomotion and Signal Transduction
  • several oral and poster presentations at various research conferences, workshops, and seminars:
    • Cornell University Graduate and Postdoc Fall Seminar Series (Jess)
    • Ithaca College Department of Chemistry Fall Seminar Series (Jess)
    • Cornell ACERT Annual Workshops (Alise, Jess, Rob, Tim)
    • WICMB Summer Retreat (Mike, Nicole, Tim)
      • Mike won “Best Poster by a Postdoc”
    • Initiative for Maximizing Student Development Intra-campus Cornell Summer Retreat  (Herbert)
    • Molecular Biophysics of Membranes (Tim)
  • Daniyal, Feng Shi, and Nicole attended a research retreat in North Sutton, New Hampshire, that was hosted by Dr. Jay Dunlap from Dartmouth College
  • the Crane lab attended the WICMB Summer Retreat in Geneva, New York
  • Erik graduated with a M.Eng. in Chemical Engineering
  • Cristina won “College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Outstanding Teaching Assistant” for the 2023-2024 academic year as “a testament to her commitment to educational excellence”
  • Jess partnered with ACERT to film a video series showcasing the applications of a new CIQTEK bench top ESR spectrometer at Cornell University
  • Cristina, Jess, and Rebecca volunteered as event supervisors for the New York Science Olympiad Division B and C state tournaments
  •  Jess became a graduate student organizer for Chemical Biology Supergroup
  •  6 new published papers and more coming soon!

Congratulations Dr. DeOliveira!

Congratulations to newly minted Dr. DeOliveira on a wonderful PhD defense last week! We all wish you continued success as a postdoctoral researcher in Joe Loparo’s lab at Harvard Medical School!

Congratulations Dr. Feng!

Congratulations to Dr. Feng for a successful PhD defense earlier this month! We wish you all the best as a postdoctoral researcher in Brian Kobilka’s lab at Stanford University!

2024 First Quarter Updates!

2023 and the first quarter of 2024 have been filled with several exciting events that require recognition and celebration!

  • Brian finished his term as Department Chair of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and is now the Senior Associate Dean for Math and Science
  • the addition of new graduate students; welcome Erik, Jessica, and Gideon!
  • Herbert and Yajie passed their PhD candidacy exams
  • Hallie received her M. Sc. in Biochemistry
  • Cristina, Jess, and Rebecca volunteered as event supervisors for the New York State Science Olympiad Division B and C tournaments
  • Dhruva completed an internship at Sedec Tx
  • Dr. Robert Dunleavy’s PhD defense and continued post-doc in our lab
  • Dr. Daniyal Tariq’s return to our lab as a post-doc
  • Dr. Nicole Maurici joined our lab as a post-doc
  • Dr. Timothée Chauviré joined our lab as a post-doc
  • several poster and oral presentations at various research conferences including:
      • Microbial Signaling: Molecular Mechanisms and Key Roles in Complex Environments Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, CA (Dhurva, Herbert, Maithili, Mike, and Yajie)
      • Photosensory Receptors and Signal Transduction Gordon Research Conference in Il Ciocco, Italy (Cristina, Jessica, and Rob)
      • Cornell ACERT Workshop (Jess, Rob, and Timothée)
      • Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (SRBR) Biennial Meeting in San Juan, PR (Daniyal and Nicole)
  • 6 published papers and more on the way!
  • Another successful and fun lab BBQ at Brian’s to keep the good vibes going

Stay tuned to see what other exciting updates await this spring and summer!

Excited to Meet New PhD Students

Are you interested in any of the research topics on our website? Come join us on Tuesdays at 1:30 in PSB 214 for our group meetings; feel free to stop by our lab on the 3rd floor to talk to grad students, post docs, and Brian!

We are actively looking for new students and we want to meet you!

Spring Semester Updates

Our most recent semester has been filled with several exciting events that require recognition and celebration!

  • two passed PhD candidacy exams
  • several poster and oral presentations at various research conferences including:
      • Roles of Tetrapyrroles in Catalysis, Regulation, Metabolism and Disease Gordon Research Conference
      • Science of Spirochetology and Spirochere Disease Pathogenesis Gordon Research Conference
      • Photosensory Receptors and Signal Transduction Gordon Research Conference
      • Cornell Chemistry Biology Interface Symposium
  • the addition of new graduate students; welcome Jess and Herbert!
  • Dr. Zach Maschmann’s PhD defense and post-doc offer in Dr. Katrina Forest’s lab at University of Wisconsin Madison
  • Dr. Daniyal Tariq’s PhD defense and job opportunity as a consultant in the Boston area
  • Dr. Michael Lynch’s return to our lab as a post-doc and lab manager
  • two published papers

We are so excited to see what this upcoming fall semester will bring!

Field Trip to NCCAT!

Brian, Shi, and Rob recently traveled to NYC to spend a couple days at the NIH National Center for CryoEM Access and Training. We are so excited to learn about the project data they brought back in our upcoming group meetings!